This firm, the result of the incorporation of Blue Agro in DF Grupo, has enabled the Group to enlarge its business structure and reaffirm its status of innovator.
DF BLUE AGRO is now a fact. The Management of DF Grupo has communicated the signing of the definitive agreement with Blue Agro. With said agreement Blue Aghro joins DF Grupo with all its Assets and business areas along with its team of professionals. Said union has resulted in the creation of DF BLUE AGRO, up and running since 1 October 2019.
With this incorporation, DF Grupo, leader in fertilizer sales in Spain and Portugal, further adds to its already significant growth. This move points to a new scenario in which DF Grupo achieves the corporate objective of strategically filling an internal market niche and incorporating its own R+D department in its structure. It thus stands as a bigger and more competitive company group, with the capability to develop any technological innovation process internally, having a first-rate R+D department in its internal structure.
The creation of the Group’s new company DF BLUE AGRO has brought with it the incorporation of the entire structure: staff, brand, products and production components of Blue Agro and its respective divisions. Furthermore, it has enabled it to enlarge its business radius, taking on the production and sale of special products beyond the fertilizers sector, and extending its geographical expansion, adding the French market to the markets where it currently does business.
We should highlight the invaluable human team resulting from this incorporation, which is now part of DF Blue Agro: highly talented and professional individuals, including experts with a long and acknowledged career in the special fertilizers, research and development sector.